Nearly 20 years after its debut, Resident Evil returns as an HD remaster of the 2002 GameCube remake of the 1996 original. Resident Evil HD Remaster brings the remake back from the dead by unshackling the game from Nintendo's console and bringing it to PC. However, Capcom had some trouble during the transition to HD. The remake's gorgeous pre-rendered backgrounds and video cutscenes were difficult to update for the modern era of widescreen displays and maxed-out resolutions. As a result, there's a mish-mash of uneven quality backgrounds, many of them inferior to the GameCube originals. Don't let that deter you, though. Resident Evil HD Remaster is still a great zombie-blasting game, even if it is a little worse for the wear.
Memories of Celceta is a Ys IV reimagining that sees longtime series hero Adol emerge without his memories from a forest that was previously said to have claimed the lives of all who entered it. Thankfully, Adol is still a skilled warrior who, along with a handful of uniquely skilled party members, is willing to hack and slash his way through hordes of monsters. This action-RPG may not have reliable party AI, but its combat, sense of exploration, and rocking tunes are excellent.
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Cyborg law enforcer Adam Jensen returns to stealth-based shooting action in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, the newest entry in Square Enix's cyberpunk series. Mankind Divided is a dark journey through an oppressive world where the "augmented" live as second-class citizens. Though Deus Ex's is light on its usual conspiracy-laced story, the game's numerous side quests, fantastic stealth, and gritty futuristic setting will keep you hiding, shooting, and hacking for a long time to come. 2ff7e9595c